Scholarship, Mentorship, Community, Connection
Thank you so much for the generous scholarship to attend NNL Worlds. I had a blast! Thank you for helping make this possible...in the future, I hope to be a part of your Mentor Program.
Eliana, NNL Worlds 2021 Scholarship Recipient

Mentorship Matters
Studies have shown the positive impact that formal mentoring programs have on mentees in areas such as: school performance, attendance and graduation rates; increased confidence, connection, and mental health. Our structured and research-backed mentoring program helps mentees build connection, community, growth mindset, resilience and more!

Become a Partner in Prevention!
Neighborhood Ninjas is training gyms to become Partners in Prevention! This child safety training from Darkness to Light is the national leader in evidence-based Child Sex Abuse Prevention training, and fully accredited (your gym even gets the nationally recognized distinction of being a Partner in Prevention!).